Contact Us
1703 Marion City Road
Palmyra, MO 63461Palmyra Phone:
Hannibal Phone:
Road Officer Position Open as of March 29, 2021
We currently have a road officer position open, pickup an application at the Marion County Jail or at the sheriff’s office in the Hannibal courthouse.
Missouri Sheriff’s to begin Issuing Conceal Carry Permits August 28th
Pursuant to SB75 which was signed into law by Governor Nixon, responsibility for issuing Conceal Carry Permits (CCW) as well as renewal of CCW’s will transfer from the Department of Revenue to local Sheriff’s on August 28th. Persons making application for a new CCW permit, or renewal of an existing CCW permit should submit the required fees and paperwork to the Sheriff of the County in which they reside.
Upon completion of the required background checks, successful applicants will be issued a CCW permit by the Sheriff. CCW permits issued August 28th and there after will be valid for 5 year at which time they will need to be renewed. Any CCW permits which have not been renewed after 6 months will be voided. Permits which were issued prior to August 28, 2013 will still be valid until their expiration date, at which time the holder will need to renew their CCW permit with the Sheriff of their County. Records regarding CCW permit holders are CLOSED RECORDS.
Change of name, address as well as lost or stolen permits will need to be reported to the Sheriff. Upon notification the Sheriff will issued a new permit withe the updated information for a fee of $10. Original application fee for a CCW permit will be $100, renewal fee will be $50. Please called ahead to make an appointment for CCW application 573-769-2077 ext. 1422. Full body of SB75 can be found at
On the afternoon of Sunday 09/15/2013, the body of an unknown female was discovered in the Mississippi River just south of Hannibal, Missouri. The body was clad in an extra large, pink, purple, navy, and yellow striped blouse and size 13/14 Ariya brand jeans. The female was also in possession of the pictured ring. Witnesses saw the female on Sunday, 09/08/13, at the Mark Twain Cave & Gift Shop. She was observed with an unknown white male and an unknown white female. The unknown male is described as being very tall, tan, blonde hair, wearing an orange “Iowa Rodeo” cutoff t-shirt, shorts and work boots. The unknown female is described as being short, approx. 18-22 years old, short blonde hair with streaks, wearing a yellow shirt (or tank top) and grey shorts with yellow trim.
The Marion County Sheriff’s Office along with the Missouri State Highway Patrol is releasing this new information in an effort to attempt to identify the female and are asking the following:
If you know the identities of these individuals or have any additional information, please contact one of the following numbers:
Marion County Sheriff’s Office: (573) 769-2077
Missouri State Highway Patrol: (660) 385-2132
National Child Safety Council Sending Out Letters
The National Child Safety Council will be sending out letters starting September 5th to all community partners of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, requesting resources for youth education programs in our county sponsored by Marion County Sheriff’s Office. Any questions please call the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and ask for Captain Jones or Sheriff Shinn.
Tip Line
The Marion County Sheriff’s Office has been receiving a few calls that were crimes in progress after normal business hours on the tip line. We are asking the public to please call 911 or call 573-769-2077 extension one or zero if you have a crime to report that is in progress.
Please use the Marion County tip line ONLY to leave information on crime(s)/person(s). The tip line has a person answering it Monday thru Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., only when they are available. You can leave a message at anytime and someone will check into your tip information that you leave.
1703 Marion City Road
Palmyra, MO 63461
Palmyra Phone:
Hannibal Phone: